Jury Nominations

The results for the 2015 Global Schindler Award are in! During a two-day jury session in Shenzhen, China on the 4th and 5th of March 2015, a team of 11 jurors assessed over 250 competition entries submitted by students from around the world. The jury found that the projects demonstrated a passionate engagement with the challenges posed by the urban design competition, with its site in Shenzhen. 12 projects were nominated for prizes, and the winners will be announced at the official award ceremony on the 30th of April 2015, with prize amounts ranging from 50,000 – 5,000 USD.

The jury was composed of the following experts, academics and practitioners: Ole Bouman, Robert Boog, Doreen Liu, Becky Loo, Yan Meng, Michelle Provoost, Philipp Rode, Peter Rowe, Matthias Sauerbruch, Nicole V. Zheng and Kongjian Yu. The jury felt that the diversity of projects was inspiring, and they debated issues of design strategy, quality of life, mobility, representation and much more during the session.

Everyone is invited to attend the award ceremony on the 30th of April 2015 in Shenzhen. The winning entries will be published online and in a publication, which includes essays related to the competition themes and site. The publication will be launched at the award ceremony, accompanied by a panel discussion.

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